Welcome to Weezkini

Welcome to Weezkini

Welcome! I am so glad you are here!  

I am fortunate enough to say that I grew up in swimsuits on Lake Austin. You see, out on the water, we don't sit around and lounge. My life in a bikini is full of swimming, watersports, and of course, dancing. When I see a swimsuit, I think of how much fun I will have in that little thing. I want everyone to feel like this when they lay eyes on a Weezkini! As women, there is a lot of pressure to look a certain way in a swimsuit. I'm calling BS. It's time to do what bikinis are made for… feeling hot and having fun! After all, what’s hotter than having fun? I invite you to feel confident and share your best memories in your Weezkini! 

Much love,


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Go weezie so proud of u!!!

Grace Young


Julia McIntyre

love this weez!

Sallie Ann

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